一、課程說明(Course Description)


二、指定用書(Text Books)

1. Rubinstein & Colby, “Polymer Physics”, 2003
2. Strobl, “The Physics of Polymers”, 3rd ed., 2007
3. Sperling, “Introduction to Physical Polymer Science”, 4th ed., 2006
4. Gedde, “Polymer Physics”, 1995.
5. de Gennes, “Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics”, 1979.
6. Doi & Edwards, “Theory of Polymer Dynamics”, 2003
7. Muthukumar, “Polymer Translocation”, 2011

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
每週 3節課,板書上課講解。

Week 1: Introduction to polymer science and its applications
Week 2: Single chain conformations : ideal chains
Week 3: Real chain conformations, scaling theory
Week 4: Polymer under tension and compression, temperature effects on polymers
Week 5: Thermodynamics of mixing
Week 6: Polymer solutions and melts
Week 7: Polymer brushes, adsorption of polymers
Week 8: Midterm exam
Week 9: Branched polymers, dendrimers, gelation, mean field model of gelation
Week 10: Thermodynamics of rubbers, elasticity, swelling of polymer gels
Week 11: Brownian motion, Langevin equation, time correlation, and response function
Week 12: Unentangled polymer dynamics: Rouse model and Zimm model, dynamical scaling
Week 13: Dynamics of a polymer in networks: Tube model and reputation
Week 14: Polyelectrolytes and biopolymers
Week 15: Polymer translocations
Week 16: Polymers in nano-confinements
Week 17: Computer simulations in polymer physics
Week 18: Final presentations

