I. Course Description
Understanding protein dynamics and techniques developed to study the motions/conformational
changes of biolmolecules;
Basic math, physics and computer simulation techniques are conferred in the regular course as
well as dedicated workshops (need based)

II. Text Books
Molecular Modeling - Principles and Applications, by Andrew R Leach

III. References
"Biochemistry, 5th edition", by Garrett & Grisham. Publisher: Thomson/Brooks/Cole
“Molecular Biophysics”, by Daune
“Structural Bioinformatics” by Jenny Gu, Philip E. Bourne
“Normal Mode Analysis”by Qiang Cui & Ivet Bahar
“Coarse-Graining of Condensed Phase and Biomolecular Systems”by Gregory A Voth
Math Chapters (Appendix) in "Quantum Chemistry" by Donald McQuarrie

IV. Teaching Method
Lectures plus after-class hands-on practice in programming and using computer software
(including but not limited to Linux, VMD, AMBER, NAMD, Matlab)

V. Syllabus
Motions, dynamics, protein dynamics, dynamics and functions, protein databank (PDB), a few
words about structure biology
MD simulations I (Newtonian mechanics)
MD simulations II
Elastic Network Model - ANM
Normal Mode Analysis
Elastic Network Model - GNM
Monte Carlo simulations
Coarse-Grained MD simulations
Targeted and Steered MD Simulations
Gibbs Free Energy Calculations
Replica Exchange MD Simulations
Non-equilibrium dynamics (e.g. Linear Response Theory, MD, MC, replica exchange)
*Electrostatics – Ewalds Methods
*Implicit solvent - solvation energy calculations using Generalized Born/Poisson Boltzmann
*Entropy Calculation

VI. Evaluation
Student delivering one or two Lectures on subjects related to protein dynamics (70%)
Homework (30%) (on simulation and protein modeling)