一、課程說明(Course Description)

第一部份 輻射安全簡介(Part 1: Introduction of Radiation Safety)
1. 輻射基本認識(Basic understanding of radiation)
2. 輻射與物質作用(Radiation interactions with matter)
3. 輻射度量簡介(Introduction of radiation measurement)
4. 輻射遷移計算簡介(Introduction of radiation transport)

第二部份 輻射防護(Part 2: Radiation Protection)
1. 輻射劑量單位(Radiation units)
2. 輻射生物效應(The biological effects of radiation)
3. 天然與人造輻射源(Natural and man-made radiation sources)
4. 輻射防護標準(Standard of radiation protection)
5. 輻射劑量的計算(Computations of exposure and dose)
6. 體內劑量估算(Evaluation of internal dose)

第三部份 輻射屏蔽(Part 3: Radiation Shielding)
1. 加馬射線屏蔽(Gamma-ray shielding)
2. 中子輻射屏蔽(Neutron shielding)
3. 核反應器屏蔽(Nuclear reactor shielding)
4. X光機屏蔽(Shielding for X-ray machines)
5. 加速器屏蔽(Shielding for accelerators)

第四部份 其它輻射安全議題(Part 4: Supplementary Topics)

1. John R. Lamarsh, "Introduction to Nuclear Engineering," 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001. (Chapters 9 and 10)
2. James E. Turner, "Atoms, Radiation and Radiation Protection," 3rd Edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007. (Chapters 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16)

1. G.F. Knoll, "Radiation Detection and Measurement, 3rd Edition", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000.
2. J.K. Shultis and R.E. Faw, "Radiation Shielding", Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996.
3. ICRP 60, "1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection", ICRP Publication 60, Ann. ICRP 21 (1-3), 1991.
4. ICRP 103, "The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection", ICRP Publication 103, Ann. ICRP 37 (2-4), 2007.
5. NCRP 144, "Radiation Protection for Particle Accelerator Facilities," 2003.
6. NCRP 147, "Structural Shielding Design for Medical X-Ray Imaging Facilities," 2004.
7. NCRP 151, "Structure Shielding Design and Evaluation for Megavoltage X- and Gamma-Ray Radiotherapy Facilities," 2005.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
課堂上課,每星期三小時(3-hour lecture per week)


期中考:35% + 期末考:35% + 作業:20% + 出席&小考:10%
Midterm 35% + Final 35% + Homework 20% + Attendance&Quiz 10%
加分題:讀書心得報告(max +10%)