Course Summary

This course is intended to cover the fundamental concept in database
systems. The introduced concepts are: 1) conceptual, logic, and physical
organization of data; 2) data manipulation languages; 3) indexing
techniques; 4) transaction management. These concepts are exercised further
by four exercises and a final project. Hence, students will have ability to
develop fine applications with database systems.

Required Materials

The following database textbook and additional readings will be used in this
Additional Readings (A.R.):
Jim Gray. "Evolution of Data Management." Computer v29 n10 (October
William Kent, "A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database
Theory", Communications of the ACM 26(2), Feb. 1983, 120-125
Peter Chen. "English Sentence Structure and Entity-Relationship Diagram."
Information Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, Elsevier, May 1983, Pages 127-149
Peter Chen. "A Preliminary Framework for Entity-Relationship Models."
Entity-Relationship Approach to Information Modeling and Analysis, (edited
by P. Chen), North-Holland (Elsevier), 1983, Pages 19 - 28
Douglas Comer. "Ubiquitous B-Tree." ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Vol. 11,
Issue 2, June 1979, Pages 121-137
Justin Zobel et al. "An Efficient Indexing Technique for Full-Text Database
Systems." Proc. of the 18th VLDB conference, Canada, 1992, Pages 352 - 362
Matthias Jarke et al. "Query Optimization in Database Systems." ACM
Computing Surveys (CSUR), Vol. 16 , Issue 2, June 1984, Pages 111-152.
Jim Gray. "The Transaction Concept: Virtues And Limitations." In Proc. of
the 7th VLDB conference, Cannes, 1981, pages 144-154
The Lowell Database Research Self-Assessment Report


Introduction (3 hours)
Relational Model (6 hours)
ER-Model & EER-Model (12hours)
SQL (8 hours)
Relational Algebra and Calculus (3 hours)
Storage and Indexing (6 hours)
Transaction Management (3 hours)
Project 2: Demo (3 hours)


There will be one midterm exam and two projects in this course. Grading
scheme for those who pass Entrance Exam:

Projects: 55%
Quiz: 10%
Exercise: 10%
Final Exam: 20%
Participation 5%

Policy two for those who fail
Projects: 55%
Quiz: 10%
Exercise: 10%
Final Exam: 20%
Participation 5%
Deduction: -100% (-3% for every late record)

Letter-base Grades
Grades are transformed based on the grading distribution
A+: top 5 % and above 90
A: top 15 %
A-: Top 25%
B+: Top 40%
B: Top 55 %
B-: Top 70%
C+: Top 80%
C: Top 90%
C-: Top 95% or original grades above 60
D/F: Lower Outlier