學分: 3
上課時間: 15:30~18:20 星期二
科目英文名稱:Medical Statistics and Epidemiology
任課教師 :熊昭 鍾仁華

Leon Gordis: Epidemiology, (Saunders, Elsevier)
Pagano and Gauvreau:Principles of Biostatistics
(Duxbury Thomson Learning)

Epidemiology approach to disease and intervention

1. Measuring the occurrence of disease
I. Morbidity II. Mortality
2. Assessing the validity and reliability of diagnostic and screening tests.
3. Natural history of disease:ways of expressing prognosis
4. Assessing the efficacy of preventive and therapeutic measures:
randomized trials

Using epidemiology to identify the cause of disease
5. Cohort studies
6. Case-control studies and other study designs
7. Estimating risk:is there an association ?
Estimating the potential for prevention
8. Comparing cohort and case-control studies
9. From association to causation:deriving inferences from epidemiologic studies
10. On causal inferences:bias, confounding , and interaction
11. Identifying the role of genetic and environmental factors in disease causation

Applying epidemiology to evaluation and policy
12. Using epidemiology to evaluate health services
13. Epidemiologic approach to evaluating screening programs
14. Epidemiology and public policy
15. Ethical and professional issues in Epidemiology

1. Data presentation
2. Numerical summary measures
3. Rates and standardization
4. Probability and distributions
5. Sampling distribution of the mean
6. Confidence interval
7. Hypothesis testing
8. Comparison of two means
9. Inference on proportions
10. Analysis of variance
11. Contingency tables