一、課程說明(Course Description)
The course provides an introduction to the quantum theory of many electron
systems, which can be metals or doped semiconductors. The students will learn
the standard perturbation theoretical technique, e.g., Feynman diagrammatic
method, for treating such systems.

The students are required to have backgrounds in quantum mechanics at the
introductory level.

二、指定用書(Text Books)
my own lecture notes


"Many body quantum theory in condensed matter physics", by H. Bruus and K.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Mainly by class lectures


1. Review of the 1st quantization formalism, Introduction to the 2nd
quantization formalism (~ one month)
3. Time dependent perturbation theory in the interaction picture (~ two weeks)
4. The Feynman diagrammatic method (~ one month)
5. Time-ordered Green's function (~ two weeks)
6. Finite temperature Green's function (~ one month)


Homework problems will be given for each unit, and performance of students is
based on the grades of homework.