一、課程說明(Course Description)

This course deals with mathematical modeling and analysis of devices and process for the purpose of understanding their time-dependent behavior. In this course, we will paricularly emphasize on methods for handling applications containing multiple types of components and processes such as electromechanical devices, electrohydraulic devices, and fluid-thermal processes. Since control systems are required to interconnect elements, prilimary controller design is also a major focus in this course.

二、指定用書(Text Books)
William J. Palm III, System Dynamics, 2nd ed. 2010


1. K. Ogata, Syatem Dynamics, 2nd ed. 1992.
2. Ernest O. Doebelin System Dynamics: Modelling and Response, 1972.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
Classroom lecturing

1 Introduction and Overview
2. Introduction of MATLAB and SIMULINK
3. Solution Methods for Dynamic Models
4. Spring and Damper elements
5. State Variable Model and Simulation Methods
6. Electrical and Electromechanical Systems
7. Fluid and Thermal Systems
8. System Analysis in the Frequency Domain
9. Transient Response and Block diagram
10.Control System Design and Root-Locus Plot


Computer Simulation and Quizzes (50%), Midterm(25%), Final Exam (25%), Class Attendance Bonus (10 % max).
