一、課程說明(Course Description)
1. Students will have some knowledge of statistics.
2. Students will be in depth understanding of the basic concepts of satistical
process/quality control.
3. Students will understand the principles of multivariate statistical analysis
and can apply the methods to practical problems.

二、指定用書(Text Books)
Douglas C. Montgomery, "Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction", 6th
L. H. Chiang, E. L. Russell and R. D. Braatz, "Fault detection and diagnosis in
industrial systems".

I.T. Jolliffe, "Principal Component Analysis", 2nd Edition.
Selected papers.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
Lecture presentation

1. Introduction to statistical process/quality control
2. Basic statistics
3. Basic methods of univariate statistical process control
Midterm exam
4. Principal component analysis and related methods
5. Multivariate statistical process monitoring and fault diangosis
Final exam

Midterm Exam = 30%
Final Exam = 40%
Homework & in-class performance = 30%