1.Course Description(課程說明)
This course offers introduction to modern physics established in the 20th century. Knowledge on modern physics is fundamental to understand practically developed various electric and optical contemporary devices such as transistors and lasers. Main purpose of this course is to learn the fundamentals of relativity and quantum mechanics that are representative fields beyond the concept of Newtonian mechanics. Relativity is the law for time and space and is usually concerned with high velocities comparable to the speed of light. Quantum mechanics is the law of the microscopic world for atoms, molecules and nuclei. Through this course, we mainly focus on learning how the relativistic effects appear when dealing with high velocities, how the ways of viewing materials have been developed and how materials are structured from the microscopic viewpoints.
* The course is offered in English.

2.Text Books(指定用書)
“Concepts of Modern Physics”, sixth edition, by Arthur Beiser


4.Teaching Method(教學方式)
Mainly by blackboard teaching, and sometimes by power point.

Session 0: Introduction – Course guide –
- What is “Modern Physics” - Historical view

Session 1~2: Relativity
- Special relativity - Michelson-Morley experiment - Postulates of special relativity - Time dilation - Length contraction - Lorentz transformation - Relativistic momentum - Mass and energy - Qualitative picture of general relativity - Twin paradox

Session 3~5: Birth of quantum physics – Duality of photons and electrons –
- Blackbody radiation - Photoelectric effect - Compton scattering effect - Wave-function and density of probability - de Broglie matter wave - Uncertainty principle - Bohr theory and atomic spectra

Session 6: Atomic structure
- The nuclear atom - Electron orbits - Atomic spectra - Bohr atom
- Atomic spectra - Atomic excitation …etc.

Session 7~9: Introduction to quantum mechanics
- One dimensional Schrödinger equation and wave-function - Simple model of square well potential box - Harmonic oscillator - Tunneling phenomena

Session 10: Midterm

Session 11~12: Atomic and molecular physics
- Three dimensional Schrodinger equation -Hydrogen atom - Spin
- Periodic law of the elements - Two atomic molecule -Hydrogen molecule
- Bonding structures - Ionic bonding -Covalent bonding

Session 13~14: Statistical mechanics
- Statistical distributions - Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Quantum statistics - Einstein's A and B coefficients

Session 15~16 The Solid state
- Bonding in solids - Free electron model - Electrons in periodic potential
- Band theory in solids - Semiconductor - Applications of semiconductor

Session 17: Final
**The contents will be adjusted during the course.

Two midterm exams (40%), Final exam (30%), Homework and class participation (30%)

No webpage available.