一﹑課程說明 (Descriptions):

TRIZ(萃智) 是俄文的縮寫,其意義為「發明性問題解決理論」(Theory of Inventive
Problem Solving)。是由蘇俄發明家Genrich Altshuller於1946年開始,分析研究超過二十
萬件專利所提出的理論,及實務的系統性創新方法。是由蘇俄發明家Genrich Altshuller於
我國電子業近年不斷敗於韓國三星等電子公司之手,如DRAM、LCD 產業在技術、市場等方面都被
三星、Hynix 等打得很慘,其主因之一就是『韓國產業大量使用萃智系統化創新而我們仍停留於
職學生則仍可作生活化的專題。因時間關係,本課程主要涵蓋國際萃智協會(MA TRIZ) Level 1
及少許 Level 2 內容。

TRIZ is the acronym of Russian language, Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh
Zadatch, Translated roughly in to English as “Theory of Inventive Problem
Solving” (TIPS). It was developed by a Russian patent examiner and inventor,
Genrich Altshuller, started from 1946. The classical knowledge of TRIZ was
originated from the studies of best Patents (200,000 patents extracted to
40,000 best patents). Now the TRIZ theory is extracted from the studies of
more than 1 Million patents.
In contrast to Random Innovation methods such as brainstorming, TRIZ is
often regarded as the most effective set of Systematic Innovation methods.
Unlike random innovation, TRIZ is very methodical and logical. The whole
process is systematically using prior wisdom (in patents) to generate
innovative ideas. It is regarding breaking people’s psychological inertia
enabling them to jump out of box to see things from various space-time-
interface thus understanding problems much better and reaching breakthrough
ideas for problem solving.
Many world leading companies are
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the TRIZ theory
and methods for the purpose of applying them to solve real-world engineering
problems. TRIZ is very useful in solving product, process, and equipment
problems in addition to creativity training to think out-of-box. Many real-
world engineering examples will be used to illustrate the TRIZ methods.
Students are required to form teams to work on problem-solving projects.
Industrial students are highly encouraged to bring their industrial problems
to the class for problem-solving projects. Due to limited time, the class
will cover the classical MA TRIZ level 1 and some level 2 materials. (MA
TRIZ stand for International TRIZ Association.)

(1)先修課程(Prerequisite): 大學物理, 碩博士 生 Graduate standing taken college
(2)繼續課程(Continuation course): Advanced level of TRIZ. Other Systematic
innovation courses.
三﹑課程內容或大綱(Course Outline): (54 學時內容. 可依時間酌量刪減)
1. 課程概觀; 系統化與萃智創新 知識體系概觀 (Overview of TRIZ body of
2. 萃智在創新價值鏈之定位 (TRIZ position in the Innovation Value Chain)
3. 專題運作模式與工具表格說明 (Project operational process and explanation
of the Project Forms)
4. 功能/屬性分析 (Function-Attribute Analysis)
5. 因果衝突鏈分析 (Cause-Effect-Contradiction Chain Analysis)
6. 衝突辨識、矛盾矩陣與40 發明法則 (Contradiction ID and 40 inventive
7. 物理衝突、分離原則與系統轉移 (Physical contradictions, Separation
Principles and System Transition)
8. 功能導向搜尋與科技知識庫使用 (Function orient search)
9. 物質場分析與標準解 (Su-field analysis and Standard solutions)
10. 裝置削剪 (Device Traiiming)
11. 創新性問題解決演譯法 (Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving)
12. 專題製作與檢討 (Review and facilitation of practical problem-solving
四﹑教本及參考資料 (Textbooks and references)
教本 (Text): (Either 1. or 2. Plus 3)
1. 許棟樑, “萃智創新工具精通: 上冊”, 亞卓國際顧問股份有限公司. 2013/2 三版,
ISBN 978-986-85795-2-1. (Sheu, D. Daniel, “Mastering TRIZ Innovation Tools:
Part I”, Agitek International Consulting, Inc. 2013/2 2nd Ed.) ISBN 978-
986-85795-2-1. 2011.(In Chinese))
2. Hands-on Systematic Innovation, Darrel Mann, IFR Press, ISBN 90-
77071-02-4, 2007
3. Class notes (上課講義)

參考資料 (References):
1. 許棟樑, “萃智創新工具精通: 中冊”, 亞卓國際顧問股份有限公司, 2013/12, ISBN:
978-986-85795-6-9. (Sheu, D. Daniel, “Mastering TRIZ Innovation Tools: Part
II ”, Agitek International Consulting, Inc. 2013/12, ISBN: 978-986-85795-6-
9. (In Chinese))
2. 【萃智系統性創新上手】, Darrell Mann 著,許棟樑 編譯,亞卓國際顧問股份有限
公司 出版.

評分標準(Grading Policy):
 Class reviews / HW Exercises 30%
 Homework on PJ Reports <.ppt> 15%
 Proj. Final oral report 20%
 Final project paper <.doc> 20%
 Class findings/summarization <.doc> 15%