一、課程說明(Course Description)

The purpose of this course is to provide first-year engineering students
fundamental knowledge of materials science and engineering.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

W. F. Smith and J. Hashemi, "Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering",
5th Ed., McGraw-Hill 2010

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)



1. Introduction to materials Science and engineering: 3h
Types of materials/Recent Advances&Future Trends/Design and Selections

2. Atomic structure and bonding: 6h
Electronic Structures/Primary Bonds/Secondary Bonds

3. Crystal and amorphous structure in materials: 6h
Space Lattice and Unit Cells/Crystal Systems and Bravais Lattice/Metallic Crystals/Miller Indices/FCC&BBC&HCP/Analysis

4. Solidification and crystalline imperfections: 6h
Solidification of Metal/Imperfection/Identification of defects

5. Thermally activated processes and diffusion in solids: 6h
Diffusion insolid/Industrial applications/Effect of Temperatures

6. Mechanical properties of metals I: 9h
STress&Strain/Hardness/Plastic deformation/STrengthening by solid solution/Recovery and Recrystallization/Superplasticity

7. Mechanical properties of metals II : 9h

8. Phase diagrams :9h
Pure substance/Gibbs Phase rule/Cooling curves/Binary systems/Ternary sustems


Grade: Recap (10%), Midterm (30%), Final (60%)
