1. Course Description (課程說明)
This course will introduce students to two pillars of modern physics: Einstein's Special Theory of
Relativity and Quantum Physics. Both of them discovered during the first 25 years of the twentieth
century. Relativity was first proposed by Albert Einstein. It provides a precise and well-tested
description of nature for motions at or near the limiting speed of light. Student will learn basic
principles and concepts of relativity and will develop physical intuition for high speed physical
phenomena. The second, quantum theory, was the work of many physicists, including Bohr, Einstein,
Heisenberg, Schrodinger, and others. Just as relativity can be roughly characterized as the study of
phenomena involving high speeds, so quantum theory can be described as the study of phenomena
involving small objects (e.g., atomic size or smaller). It thereby provides concepts for understanding
the microscopic world. Students will learn basic principles of quantum mechanics, such as the wave-
particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and working equation (Schrodinger equation) for its
application in a variety of simple application, such as Energy Levels of Electrons in a Solid,
Semiconductors, The pn junction Diode, atom, molecules and others.

近代物理這門課將介紹兩個重要課題:(狹義)相對論和量子物理,這兩個物理學觀 念是二十世紀初期建立發展出來
的,愛因斯坦是第一個位提出相對論的物理學家, 他解釋了物體在超高速移動下(接近光速下),不同座標系上的物理
量關係,這個 理論的準確性已經經過一個世紀的驗證。學生在這門課將學習到相對論的基本概念。 第二要介紹
的重要物理觀念是量子物理,這個理論是二十世紀初期,波爾、愛因斯 坦、海森堡、薛丁格、和其他物理學家架
構起來的,這個理論解釋了微小世界的物 理現象(量子或是更小尺寸等級物理),學生將在這堂可中學習量子的觀
念、波粒兩 向性、測不准原理、薛丁格方程式和在量子物理在固態、半導體、原子、分子上的 延伸應用。

2. Text Books (指定用書)
Concepts of Modern Physics, sixth edition, by Arthur Beiser

3. References (參考書籍)
a. Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed. J. Taylor, C. D. Zafirators, M. Dubson
b. Modern Physics, second edition, by Randy Harris
c. Modern Physics, third edition, by Serway, Moses, and Moyer

4. Teaching Method (教學方式) Slides presentation
5. Syllabus (教學進度)
‧ Relativity (2 weeks)
a02; principles of relativity
a02; Galilean relativity
a02; constancy of speed of light
a02; relativity of time
a02; relativity of length
a02; Lorentz transformations
a02; velocity transformation
a02; Doppler effect
a02; mass
a02; momentum
a02; energy
‧ Quantum Physics (11 weeks)
a02; Problems with classical physics
`42; blackbody radiation
`42; photoelectric effect
`42; Compton effect
`42; atomic spectra and stability of matter
`42; double-slit experiment
a02; "Old" quantum physics
`42; De Broglie's matter waves
`42; Bohr model of Hydrogen atom
a02; Schrodinger equation
`42; postulates and interpretation
`42; stationary eigenstates
`42; nature of solutions
a02; Simple problems in one dimension
`42; free particle
`42; particle in box
`42; particle in a harmonic potential
`42; tunneling
a02; Problems in two and three dimensions
`42; square box
`42; harmonic oscillator
`42; central-force problem
`42; Hydrogen atom
‧ Applications (2 weeks or optional)
a02; Energy Levels of Electrons in a Solid; Bands
a02; Semiconductors
a02; The pn junction Diode
a02; The Scanning Tunneling Microscope

6. Evaluation (成績考核)
Homework assignments and due dates will be announced in class. 10-minute quizzes will
be on random dates and will be announced at the beginning of class.

Grading method:
Homework and quizzes 35%
Class participation 5%
Midterm 15% each Final 30%
7. 2017 EE211000 webpage (網頁位址) http://mx.nthu.edu.tw/~mingchang/