轉譯癌症研究/Translational Cancer Research
一、課程說明 本課程將探討癌症生物學上的新知。並學習如何利用現代技術將臨床癌症發生及治療上所遇到的問題轉譯成可驗證的實驗模式,並將實驗室的發現轉換成癌症治療的工具。
This course focuses on cutting-edge topics in cancer biology. We will discuss how to use modern technology to translate clinical observations into experimental models and transform the discoveries in the laboratory into innovative new treatments for cancer patients.
二、指定用書 N/A.
三、參考書籍 The Biology of Cancer, Robert A. Weinberg, Baker & Taylor Books, 2011
四、教學方式 (1) 演講/lecture: 主題式導向/Topic orientation (2) 專題報告及討論/Paper presentation and discussion
五、成績考核 出席及參預/Attendance and participation (20%) +課堂專題報告/Presentation (40%) +考試/Exam(20%)+家庭作業/Homework (20%)