105學年下學期共軛焦顯微鏡技術(Confocal Microscopy) 課程大綱
任課老師: 江安世 教授 、 林彥穎 教授
上課時間: 週一 15:30-17:20
上課地點: 生科一館 112教室
The essentials of images
Fly database and 3D image processing
Optical microscopy: principle, non-laser light source, and operation
Laser light source and nonlinear frequency conversion
Tissue clearing and sample preparation
Nonlinear optics microscopy
Super-resolution microscopy
Functional imaging of neural activity
Photoacoustic microscopy
Large scale tissue imaging
Synchrotron radiation
X-ray imaging
Region delamination of functional image
Big Database Management
Data mining
Discussion 20%
Practice and participation 40%
Term paper and report 40%
教材:Lecture notes, journal papers and experimental instructions
參考書:Handbook of Biological confocal microscopy