一、 課程說明 (Course Description)
This course introduce the modern way to web/app programming. This topics include front-end
development, back-end development, and product design. The class is divided into three parts,
namely, the front-end development, back-end development, and app development. In the first
part, a primer to some important web development concepts and frameworks will be covered.
Handy tools such as Git will also be covered to get students familiar with project-based and
team-based development. In the second part, we talks about the back-end web app and
database app development using the AWS services. Finally, int he last part, we extend our
knowledge to the landscape of app development. We will also go through a case study on how
to convert the raw data collected from web/app users into human-sensible intelligence and
improve the product disign.

Basic understanding of C/C++ programming language and data structure is required.

二、 指定用書 (Textbook)
[1] Lecture Notes

三、 參考書籍 (References)

四、 教學方式(Teaching Method)
Lecture and Lab

五、 教學進度(Syllabus)

六、 成績考核(Evaluation)
Labs 30%
Idea & project proposal: 10%
Midterm project demo: 30%
Final project demo: 30%