一、課程說明(Course Description)

Topics covered:

A. Competitive Market
1. General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics: Exchange Economy (TC:17, HV: 31, JP:10)
2. General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics: with Production (TC:18, HV:32, 33, JP:10)

B. Market Failure
3. Externalities and Public Goods (TC:20, HV:34, 36, JP:16)
4. Choice under Uncertainty (TC:7, HV:12, 13, JP:17
5. Asymmetric Information (TC:19, HV:37, JP:18, 19) 5. Information Technology (HV:35)
6. Duality in Consumer Theory

二、指定用書(Text Books)

蔡攀龍, 張寶塔, 個體經濟學, 第二版, 2016 (TC)


Katz, M.L. and H.S. Rosen, Microeconomics, 3rd Editoin, Irwin, 1998.
Perloff, Jeferey M., Mircoeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus, 3rd edition, Pearson (JP)
International Edition, Addison-Wesley Education, 2013.
Varian, H., Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approcach, 9th Edition, W. W. North & Company, 2014

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

本課程以講授指定用書的內容為主, 為充實部分主題將補充其他教科書的內容.


本學期預定講授指定教科書的第十七至二十章, 期中考前講授前兩章, 期中考後講授後兩章.


期中考40% + 期末考60%
