1. 課程說明(course description):
造力,針對有興趣的課題作更深入的實作研究。建議學生須具備撰寫MATLAB或其他程式語言的能力。 (預修
課程: 信號與系統,線性代數, 或由授課老師許可. 亦歡迎有興趣之大學部高年級同學選修)

To introduce application of signal processing methods in music, language, and
other sounds in daily life, including two major parts: sound analysis and sound
synthesis. After taking this course, students should be familiar with the core
techniques and background knowledge in this field. Also, current research topics
will be selectively covered. Final projects are required and students are
encouraged to be creative. Prerequisite: Signals and Systems, Linear Algebra, or
consent by the instructor. Undergraduates in junior or senior years are also
welcome to take this course.
** This year we will attempt the flipped-classroom learning method **

2. Textbook: None. Lecture videos can be found here -> https://tinyurl.com/liuaudio

3. References:
本學期打算嘗試以實務/專案為導向的教學互動方式。除了MATLAB 的作業以外,我希望全班學會使用 python 的
pyaudio 進行簡單的即時音訊處理程式撰寫,另外還打算引入superCollider 這個電腦音效/音樂的環境來實作互動式


4. Teaching methods:
Video viewing at home. Exercise and discussion in class (2 hours/week).

5. Syllabus [tentative]:
Part I (5 weeks): Fourier Transform and applications, estimation problems and solutions
Part II (7 weeks): Music and Speech/voice
Part III (3 weeks): Physiology, psychology, and biomedical applications
This year I plan to accelerate the lectures a little bit and allowing more time for labs and group discussions.

(Detailed syllabus can be found on the NTHU LMS system)

6. Evaluation (Tentative)
-- Lab reports (50%): computer-based.
-- Final Group Project (25%)
-- 技術交流與互相指導 (25%)
-- class participation (bonus, 5%)

7. Webpage:
Course materials will be distributed through NTHU LMS system
Videos can be found here -> https://tinyurl.com/liuaudio