107學年第一學期 生命科學導論 (Introduction to Life Science) 課程大綱

課程名稱: 10410-LS110301生命科學導論 (Introduction to Life Science)
任課老師: Pan, Rong-Long (潘榮隆)、Kao, Mou-Chieh (桑自剛)、Chang, Chien-Chung
Time: W7W8W9 (15:30-18:20); Room: LSII 109R

一、課程說明 (Course Description)
本課程主要 提供 本校非主修生科系(但已修過大學有機化學以上學分優先)的學生,對於生命科學
題 [詳見下列 授課內容、課程表]。

本課程 將分三方面來介紹 “生命科學”:
1. 從 傳統生物學研究的內容[如: 早期的生物與相關之演化課題]
到近代生物學所關注的議題 [如:生物圈的現代、未來與生態、環境相關]

2. 從物理、化學角度開始介紹生物分子、細胞、遺傳、免疫、癌病生成與相關近代生物科技應

3. 從生物個體的角度介紹生理學。從生物個體之組織、器官、系統的協調了解生物有機體如何的

*這些介紹 將使學生方便整合所學,而立即應用到與本身相關的特定議題研究。並可作為未來研讀

二、指定用書 (Text Books)
“Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, 5th Edition
by C. Starr, C. Evers, L. Starr, Intl Ed., Brooks/Cole, 2016 (偉明圖書公司)

1. Asking About Life, 3/e (2005); by Allan J. Tobin & Jennie Dusheck
2. Biology, 9/e 2011, by Neil A. Campbell & Jane B. Reece (偉明圖書公司)

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
投影片講解、多媒體教學 (Power point + others)

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期中考試(2 Midterm exams, 2x 35%);期末考(1 Final exam, 35%)

107學年第一學期 生命科學導論 (Introduction to Life Science) 課程表

Instructors: Pan, Rong-Long (潘榮隆)、Sang, Tzu-Kang (桑自剛)、Chang, Chien-
Chung (張鑑中)
Email: rlpan@life.nthu.edu.tw; tksang@life.nthu.edu.tw;
Teaching Assistants: To be announced
Time: W7W8W9 (15:30-18:20) Room: LSII 109R
Textbook: “Biology: Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, 5th Ed. by C. Starr, C.
Evers, L. Starr, Brooks/Cole, 2016

Week Date Topics Instructor
1 9-13 Introduction: Chapter 1: Invitation to Biology;
Chapter 2: Molecules of Life 潘榮隆 Introduction
Plant Biology
2 9-20 Chapter 11: Evidence of Evolution;
Chapter 12: Processes of Evolution;
3 9-27 Chapter 13: Early Life Forms and the Virus;
Chapter 14: Plants and Fungi;
4 10-04 Chapter 16: Population Ecology;
Chapter 17: Communities and Ecosystem;
5 10-11 Chapter 27: Plant Form and Function;
Chapter 28: Plant Reproduction and Development
6 10-18 Quiz I =507;
7 10-25 Chapter 3: Cell Structure;
Chapter 4: Energy and metabolism, 桑自剛Molecular Biology,
Cell Biology,
8 11-01 Chapter 5: Capturing and Releasing Energy;
Chapter 6: DNA Structure and Function;
9 11-08 Chapter 7: Gene expression and Control;
Chapter 8: How Cells Reproduce;
10 11-15 Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance;
Chapter 10: Biotechnology;
11 11-22 Quiz II =507;
12 11-29 Chapter 19: Animal Tissues and Organs;
Chapter 20: How Animals Move;
13 12-06 Chapter 21: Circulation and Respiration;
Chapter 22: Immunity; 張鑑中Zoology
14 12-13 Chapter 23: Digestion and Excretion;
Chapter 24: Neural Control and the Senses;
15 12-20 Chapter 25: Endocrine Control;
Chapter 26: Reproduction and Development;
16 12-27
17 1-03 Quiz III =507;
(=514; Happy winter vacation!)
註: Chapter 2: Molecules of Life、Chapter 15: Animal evolution、Chapter 18: The
Biosphere and Human 等章,本學期上課擇要簡述,學生須自我學習,由各授課老師決定是否列