一、課程說明(Course Description)
Instructor: Liu, Cheng-Hsien (劉承賢)
email: liuch@pme.nthu.edu.tw
Office: Room 517, Engineering Building #1
Phone: (03) 5742496
Lectures Time: M7, M8, F3

Office Hours: Friday 8:30am~9:30am & 11:00am~12:00 and appointment by email

TA: 黃家俊 james032586@yahoo.com.tw
林承翰 linkindom@gmail.com
蕭晼妤 jennifer80399@gmail.com
范僑芯 coley8956@gmail.com
黃凱辰, 陳瑋凡, 曾柏軒

1. 因為教室限制,修課人數設定上限人數, 若希望試加簽, Sep.10 第一堂課出席登記. 第一周確認是否有加簽名額及是否可以加簽
2. 交換之外籍生及大陸學生, 無額外加簽名額

本課程討論系統分析及控制, 內容含 (Lecture Contents):
(2)Modeling of Dynamic Systems
(3)Dynamic Response
(4)Root-locus design method
(5)Frequency-response design method

二、指定用書(Text Books)
Franklin, Powell and Emami-Naeini, "Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems", Pearson, 7th edition, 2015 (Global Edition)

(1)Control Tutorials for MATLAB and SIMUlink, W.C. Messner and D.M. Tilbury, Addison-Wesley (http://www.engin.umich.edu/group/ctm)

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
(1)以口授方式進行, 並以投影片輔助教學 (Lecture via powerpoint presentation)
(2)以中文演講上課 (Lecture presentation in Chinese)
(3)講義英文呈現 (Lecture notes in English)

*Two Midterm exams : 20%+30% (temporary)
*Matlab Practice Homework 5%
*Final exam: 45%
*I also reserve ~10% extra credit based on your Matlab/Simulink homework and class performance. (temporary)
*Policy for Exam Cheating- Exam cheating will make you fail for this class.

六、可連結之網頁位址 (Course website)