Syllabus of Cloud Computing
Instructor: Che-Rung Lee

Goals: Introduction to cloud computing and its techniques, issues, and

Class notes and selected journal/conference papers.

- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Server virtualization
- Memory virtualization
- IO virtualization
- GPU virtualization
- Data center management
- Resource management
- VM migration
- Memory consolidation
- Power management
- Fog computing system
- Microservice
- Container technology
- Orchestration tools
- Presentation

Lab Assignments
1. virtual machine operations
2. openstack operations
2. container operations

Term Project
1. Find 2 or 3 technology,
2. Present the related papers.
3. Performance experiments to compare and contrast their strength and weakness or differences.

1. Term project: Paper presentation and report: 45%
2. Assignment: 45%
3. Class Presentation & Participation: 10%