● 課程說明(Course Description)

● 指定用書(Text Books)
William Wade,
An Introduction to Analysis (4th Edition).

● 參考書籍(References)
William Wade,
An Introduction to Analysis (4th Edition).

● 教學方式(Teaching Method)

● 教學進度(Syllabus)
單元主題 內容綱要 上課週數
Sequences in R
(a) Completeness axiom. 1 weeks
(b) Limits of sequences. 1 weeks.
(c) Limit theorems. 1 week.
(d) Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem. 1 week.
(e) Cauchy sequences. 1 week.

Continuity on R
(a) Two-sided limits. 0.5 week.
(b) One-sided limits. 0.5 week.
(c) Continuity. 1 week.
(d) Uniform continuity 1 week.

Differentiability on R
(a) The derivative. 1 week.
(b) Differentiability theorems. 1 week.
(c) Mean-value theorem and Taylor's formula. 1 week.
(d) Local extrema and second derivative test. 1 week.

Integrability on R
(a) Riemann integrals. 1 week.
(b) Fundamental theorem of Calculus. 1 week.
(c) Improper integrals. 1 week.

Infinite series of functions R
(a) Uniform convergence of series. 1 week.
(b) Power series. 1 week.
(c) Analytic functions. 1 week.

● 成績考核(Evaluation)
期中考兩次 (25%+25%)
期末考 (25%)
小考 (25%)