● 課程說明:本課程首要目標在於精進英語閱讀與理解能力,期望協助非外語科系的學生可以在參考工具的協助之下讀懂英語世界的漢學研究文章。課程教學重點有二:一方面引導學生從閱讀過程中掌握英語寫作的思維,理解其論述的角度與方式;另一方面則藉由英語世界的漢學研究資料擴展學生視野,結合學生既有的文學知識基礎,培育學貫中西的氣度。閱讀材料主要包括文學觀念與流派、近現代文學與評論、中文文學作品英譯選段等三個方向。
● 指定用書:上課印發講義。
● 參考書籍:
1. David Der-wei Wang, ed., A New Literary History of Modern China, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2017. (NLHMC)
2. Carlos Rojas and Andrea Bachner, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese
Literatures, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. (OHMCL)
3. Joseph S. M. Lau, C. T. Hsia, and Leo Ou-fan Lee, eds., Modern Chinese
Stories and Novellas 1919-1949, New York, Columbia University Press, 1981.
4.Harold Acton and Ch'en Shih-Hsiang, trans., Modern Chinese Poetry, London, Duckworth, 1936. (MCP)
5. Herbert Batt and Sheldon Zitner, trans., The Flowering of Modern Chinese Poetry. (FOMCP)
● 教學方式:每週由老師帶讀英語文章,解釋文中涉及的常用單詞及語法點,分析其寫作與論述方式,並視同學學習情況安排隨堂練習或測驗。
● 教學進度:
.David Der-wei Wang, “Chinese Literary Thought in Modern Times: Three
Encounters,” OHMCL, pp. 597-617. / 王德威,〈現代中國文論芻議:以「詩」、「興」、「詩史」為題〉,《中國文化研究所學報》65(2017年7月),頁285-309。
.Stephen Owen, “Utter Disillusion and Acts of Repentance in Late Classical
Poetry,” NLHMC, pp. 74-79.
.Rudolf G. Wagner, “Media, Literature, and Early Chinese Modernity,” NLHMC,
pp. 114-119.
.Patrick Dewes Hanan, “The‘New Novel’before the Rise of the New Novel,”
NLHMC, pp. 139-144.
.Exercise (1)
.Michel Hockx, “The Big Misnomer: ‘May Fourth Literature’,” NLHMC, pp. 265-
.Michelle Yeh, “Xu Zhimo and Chinese Romanticism,” NLHMC, pp. 295-301.
. Harold Acton, “Introduction,” MCP, pp. 13-31.
.Selected poems of Xu Zhimo, Wen Yiduo, and Dai Wangshu. MCP & FOMCP.
.Exercise (2)
.Catherine Vance Yeh, “Mei Lanfang, the Denishawn Dancers, and World Theater,”
NLHMC, pp. 311-319.
.Wilt L. Idema, “The Emergence of Regional Opera on the National Stage,”
NLHMC, pp. 585-590.
.Táang, Hsien-tsu. Cyril Birch, trans., Scene 10, “The Interrupted Dream,” The
Peony Pavilion, Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1980.
.Translations of selected passages from Hong Lou Meng
.Exercise (3)
. 【課堂演講】後「中體西用」:認識學科的軌跡(來賓:台灣大學文學院華語教學學位學程汪俊彥教授)
.Andrew Schonebaum, “Genealogies of Romantic Disease,” NLHMC, pp. 343-348.
.Charles A. Laughlin, “One Day in China,” NLHMC, pp. 420-426.
.Theodore Huters, “In Search of Qian Zhongshu,” NLHMC, pp. 697-702.
.Exercise (4)
.Chien-Hsin Tsai, “Orphans of China,” NLHMC, pp. 607-613.
.Leo Ou-Fan Lee, “The Legacies of Jaroslav Prusek and C. T. Hsia,” NLHMC,
pp. 644-650.
.Sung-Sheng Yvonne Chang, “Literary Representation of the White Terror and
Rupture in Mid-Twentieth-Century Taiwan, NLHMC, pp. 771-777.
.Exercise (5)
. Karen L. Thornber, “Wolf Totem and Nature Writing,” NLHMC, pp. 889-894.
.Bonnie S. McDougall, “Hong Kong’s Literary Retrocession in Three Fantastical
Novels,” NLHMC, pp. 856-861.
.Song Mingwei, “Chinese Science Fiction Presents the Posthuman Future,” NLHMC,
pp. 951-957.
.Exercise (6)
.Pai Hsien-yung, Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream, translated by
Pai Hsien-yung and Patia Yasin, in Taipei People, Hong Kong: The Chinese
University of Hong Kong Press, 2000, pp. vi-xxxv, 327-384, 447-448.
.Pai Hsien-yung, Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream, translated by
Pai Hsien-yung and Patia Yasin, in Taipei People, Hong Kong: The Chinese
University of Hong Kong Press, 2000, pp. vi-xxxv, 327-384, 447-448. /(Eileen Chang, The Golden Cangue, translated by Eileen Chang, MCSN, pp. 530-559.)
.Exercise (7)
● 成績考核:
1. 隨堂測驗:25%
2. 作業:20%(課堂演講心得10%,其他書面或口頭作業10%)
3. 期中考試:25%
4. 期末考試:25%
5. 課堂表現:5%