一、課程說明(Course Description)
The objective of this course is to learn the general principles and
procedures of virology, with emphasis on the viruses which cause human
diseases. Topics in general virology, such as virus replication,
propagation, detection, assay, classification, virus-host interactions,
immunology, pathogenesis and techniques will be considered first, followed
by a discussion of the individual viruses and the diseases they cause in

二、指定用書(Text Books)
Principles of Virology, Volume I and II
by Flint,Racaniello, Rall, and Skalaka with Enquist
ASM Press, 2015 (4th edition)


四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

class lectures

9月起 ----
(Volume I) The Science of Virology
Chap 1: Fundations
Chap 2: The Infectious Cycle
(II) Molecular Biology
Chap 3: Genomes and Genetics
Chap 6: Synthesis of RNA from RNA templates, part
Chap 7: Reverse transcription and integration, part
Chap 10: Processing of viral pre-mRNA, part
Chap 11: Protein synthesis, part

11月 期中考週

Chap 4: Structure
Chap 5: Attachment and entry
Chap 12: Intracellular trafficking
Chap 13: Assembly, exit, and maturation

(Volume II) Pathogenesis and Control
Chap 8: Vaccines
Chap 9: Antiviral drugs

Mid-term exam (50%)
Final exam (50%)(出席率佔10%)
