一、課程說明(Course Description)

Numerical optimization concerns the computations of the maximum (or the
minimum) of differentiable functions which can have one or several variables,
with or without constraints. Important classes in the numerical optimization
problems include linear programming, unconstrained optimization, and nonlinear
programming. This course will study the numerical algorithms and the
theoretical background for each problem. Applications that motivate the
computation, especially for machine learning and deep learning, will be focused.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

1. Applied Optimization with Matlab Programming, 2nd Ed, P. Venkataraman (Class
page) (Companion site)
2. Numerical optimization, Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright
3. Afternotes on Numerical Analysis, G.W. Stewart link
4. Mathematical Optimization, MO
5. Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Stephen G. Nash and Ariela Sofer (1996,
6. Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations, J.
Dennis and R. Schnabel
7. Matrix computations, 3rd Ed, Gene Howard Golub and Charles F. Van Loan (1996)

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
Lecture presentation.

1. Background introduction.
1.1 One variable optimization
1.2 Linear algebra
2. Unconstrained optimization
2.1 Optimality condition
2.2 Newton’s method
2.3 Line search method
2.4 Trust-Region method
2.5 Practical concerns
3. Linear programming
3.1 Geometry interpretation and properties
3.2. The simplex method
3.3. Duality, sensitivity, and complexity
4. Constrained programming
4.1. Lagrange multiplier and KKT conditions.
4.2. Feasible direction method
4.3. Penalty and Augmented Lagrange method.
4.4. Interior point methods
5. Numerical optimization for machine learning

1. Class participation (10)
2. Midterm exam (30)
3. Final exam (40)
4. Report (20)