一、課程說明(Course Description)
First course of a two-semester sequence treating metallurgical phenomena and
their utilization in engineering materials and processes. The contents in the
first semester are mainly focused on the fundamentals of materials including:
(1)crystal structure, (2) defects in crystals, (3) kinetics: diffusion in
substitutional and interstitial solid solutions, (4) thermodynamics: phase and
phase diagrams,and (5) plastic deformation.

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Physical metallurgy Principles, 4th ed.
Robert E. Reed-Hill, Lara Abbaschian, Reza Abbaschian
CL-Engineering, 2008

You may still use the 3rd edition of this textbook.


1. Modern Physical metallurgy, 8th ed.
R.E. Smallman and A. H.W. Ngan, Elsevier Ltd, 2014.
2. Physical metallurgy, 5 ed.
D. E. Laughlin and K. Hono eds., Elsevier Ltd, 2014.
3. Physical metallurgy, 3rd ed.
P. Haasen, Cambridge, 1996.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Lecture and Discussion
PDF files of the Lecture notes will be distributed at the beginning of the
semester. Audio recordings of class lecture will be provided after each class.


1. Introduction
History and future of physical metallurgy
2. Crystal Structure of metals
Crystal structure and characterization of materials
3. Defects in Crystals
Point, line, and planar defects
4. Diffusion
Substitutional and Interstitial diffusion
5. Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
Thermodynamics laws and solution thermodynamics, and binary phase
6. Deformation of metals
Slip systems and plastic deformation in different crystal systems
Interaction between dislocations and solute atoms


There will be two midterm exams (40%) and one comprehensive final exam
(40%). Problem set will be given constantly (20%).
