1. Deep Learning
2. Natural Language Processing
3. Research
4. Group discussion and report

DL & NLP techniques:
1. Deep learning fundamental (FFNN, CNN, RNN, Optimization)
2. Deep learning advanced (Adversarial learning, bias & fairness)
3. NLP fundamental: word representation (word2vec, BERT, and classification)
4. NLP advanced (sequence to sequence, transformer, )

Every team will submit a proposal (2 pages) after the technique part and there will be a
"Spotlight & discussion" session (2 weeks) for presentation and discussion.

Research strategies:
1. Choosing a good topic ML research
2. Positioning your research paper

Writing strategies:
1. Writing tools introduction
2. Write an effective title
3. Paper structure/organization
4. How to sell the work
5. How to select a track for submission