● 課程說明

● 指定用書
The Cambridge handbook of psycholinguistics / edited by Michael J. Spivey,
Ken McRae, Marc F. Joanisse. Cambridge; New York : Cambridge University
Press, 2012. [ISBN 9780521860642]

● 教學方式

● 教學進度
Week 1: Introduction:
Genres of Talks (e.g. persuasion, resolving conflicts, telling stories) &
Speech Acts

Week 2: Models of Spoken Word Recognition:
Mathematical Models

Week 3: Models of Spoken Word Recognition:
Verbal-Algorithmic Models

Week 4: Models of Spoken Word Recognition:
Simulation Models

Week 5: Models of Spoken Word Recognition:
Learning Models

Week 6: Models of Spoken Word Recognition:
ERP and Spoken Word Recognition

Week 7: Computational Models of Text Comprehension

Week 8: Computer Simulation of Dialogues

Week 9: Conversation and Acquisition

Week 10: Inferencing

Week 11: ERP of Discourse and Conversation

Week 12: Discourse-level Processing

Week 13: Nested Time Scales in Tasks

Week 14: Computational Models of Semantic Memory:
Connectionist Theories

Week 15: Computational Models of Semantic Memory:
Situated Theories

Week 16: Computational Models of Semantic Memory:
Semantic Network Models

Week 17: Computational Models of Semantic Memory:
Parallel Distributed Processing Models

Week 18: Computational Models of Semantic Memory:
Word Co-occurrence Models

● 成績考核
(1) 每週上傳預習作業 (60%)
(2) 隨堂小考 (20%)
(3) 期末報告 (20%)