一、課程說明(Course Description)

免疫系統是一專一且高度多樣化之個體防禦系統,在這防禦系統中,各類特定功能的細胞與分子密切合作形成一動態的網絡,藉以清除致病性微生物與癌細胞。然而免疫系統的失調以及微生物與癌細胞的反制亦造成感染症、癌症、及自體免疫疾病的惡化,吾人該如何設計有效的免疫療法及疫苗? 近年來,由於免疫學研究有多項突破性的進展,使得這門科學漸趨成熟,已成為二十一世紀之顯學。無庸至疑地,免疫學是一不可或缺的生命科學課程。

本課程歡迎對免疫學有興趣的大學部學生及研究生修習。亦歡迎非生科系院同學選修。課程內容包括探討基本的免疫學現象及機制,簡言之,即是分子辨識(molecular recognition) 與反應 (response),以及免疫學在生物醫學及產業的應用,如免疫療法(immunotherapy)、單株抗體、疫苗設計、生物感應器(biosensors)等。本課程由張老師開設。

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Parham's The Immune System, 4th Edition, 2015; Garland Science; ed: Peter


Janeway's Immunobiology, 9th Edition, 2016; Garland Science; ed: Kenneth

Scientific journal articles.

Kuby Immunology, 6th Edition, 2007; W. H. Freeman and Company; eds: Thomas
Kindt, Richard Goldsby, Barbara Osborne.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Lectures/影片觀賞與討論/實例討論; 新知介紹; 分組報告。

五、暫定教學進度(Tentative Syllabus)
9/14 Introduction and grouping
9/21 Elements of the Immune System and Innate Immunity (complements)
9/28 教師節(停課一天)
10/5 Innate Immunity (Toll-like receptors and natural killer cells)
10/12 Antibody structure and the generation of B-cell diversity
10/19 Antigen Recognition by T cell receptors and Antigen Presentation to
T Lymphocytes
10/26 MHC and transplantation of tissues and organs
11/2 Signaling Through Immune System Receptors
11/9 The Development and Survival of Lymphocytes
11/16 Mid-term Exam
11/23 T Cell- and B cell-Mediated Immunity
11/30 Infectious diseases and vaccines (I)
12/7 Infectious diseases and vaccines (II)
12/14 Cancer and the Immune System
12/21 Cancer Immunotherapy and Clinical Trials
12/28 Allergy and Autoimmune diseases
1/4 Group presentation
1/11 Group presentation

Exam 30%
Oral presentation 30%
Homework 30%
Attendance and asking questions 10%


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