普化二 課程大綱

一、課程說明(Course Description)
(a) 考試作弊者學期成績為零分

二、指定用書(Text Books)
Textbook: "Chemical Principles" Steven S. Zumdahl, 8th edition, Houghton Mifflin
company, Boston, New York, 2015. 歐亞書局, Tel: (02) 8912 1188

"General Chemistry" Darrell D. Ebbing, 5th edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston,

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
上課 : 10:10 ~12:00 am (Monday)
9:00 ~ 9:50 am (Wednesday)
地點: 化工系 演講廳 (Rm: B18)

Teaching assistants助教:

(1) 高立丞 0934011180; office Tel: 33423;
Email: a124575c@gmail.com

(2) 吳宏德 0933073212; office Tel: 33425;
Email: johnson8210922@gmail.com

(3) Payal Banerjee 班帕雅 0965475140
Email: banerjeemona2017@gmail.com
Date & Time: 2:00-4:00 pm, Oct. 31 (Thursday)
Office: Chemistry Building, Rm B29

Chap. 12. Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Theory
chap 13. Bondings; General Concepts
chap 14. Covalent bondings: Orbitals
chap 15. Chemical Kinetics
Chap. 16. Liquids and Solids
Chap. 17. Properties of Solutions
Chap. 18. The Representative Elements
Chap. 19. Transition metals and Coordination Chemistry
Chap. 20. The Nucleus: A Chemist’s View
Chap. 21. Organic and Biochemical Molecules .

homework & enrollment (10%)
midterm Exam (40%): April 19, (Monday) 2021
Final Exam (50%): June 21 (Monday), 2021

Note:期中考(40%) + 期末考 (50%) + homework & enrollment (10%)= 100%, 分數100%掌握在你自