● 課程說明(Course Description)
This is junior-level classical electromagnetism. It uses the tools of vector calculus for solving static
and dynamic properties of electromagnetic fields. The topics we will cover include special cases of
static charge distributions (electrostatics), time-independent current distributions (magnetostatics),
electric and magnetic properties of matter (dielectrics and magnetic media), and, (time permitting)
initial coverage of fully time-dependent problems (Maxwell's equations). We have many learning goals
in this course, which include content and mathematical skill mastery, high level problem-solving skills,
physical sense-making, deepened conceptual understanding, communication skills, and connection
to other courses and to the real world.

Electromagnetics is physics, involving the study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical
interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force usually
exhibits electromagnetic fields such as electric fields, magnetic fields, and light. Following David J
Griffiths, we will go through 1)The Electromagnetic Model, 2) Vector Analysis, 3) Static Electric Fields,
4) Solution of Electrostatic Problems, 5) Steady Electric Currents 6) Static Magnetic Fields, 7) Time-
Varying Fields and Maxwell's Equations and 8) Plane Electromagnetic Waves step-by-step.

● 指定用書(Text Books)
Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J Griffiths

● 參考書籍(References)
Field and Wave Electromagnetics by David Cheng

● 教學方式(Teaching Method)
Lecture note and presentation

● 教學進度(Syllabus)
1) Vector Analysis 1 week
2)The Electromagnetic Model, 3 weeks
3) Static Electric Fields, 2 weeks
4) Solution of Electrostatic Problems, 2 week
5) Steady Electric Currents, 3 weeks
6) Static Magnetic Fields, 2 weeks
7) Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell's Equations 1 week

● 成績考核(Evaluation)
Homeworks: 20%
Midterm 1: 25 %
Midterm 2: 25%
Final : 30%

● 可連結之網頁位址 相關網頁(Personal Website)