Optoelectronics Semiconductor - Principle and Applications

課程說明:介紹光電半體元件之原理及特性,培養學生設計及分析元件能力(Introduction to the
principle of optoelectronics semiconductor devices, which can help students on
device design and analysis)

1. 固態物理及半導體元件簡介 (Introduction to Solid State Physics and Semiconductor
Devices) Week1~Week3
2. 半導體發光二極體 (Semiconductor Light Emitting Diodes) Week4~Week6
3. 半導體雷射 (Semiconductor Laser) Week7~Week9
Midterm ---Week10
4. 光偵測器 (Photodetectors) Week11~Week13
5. 光調變器(Optical Modulator)Week14~Week15
6. 太陽能電池 (Photovoltaic Devices) Week16~Week17
Final ---Week18

Text Book:
1. "Photonic Devices", by Jia-Ming Liu, Cambridge

Reference Book:
2. "Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, by S.M. Sze and K. K. NG, Wiley, Third
3. “Optoelectronics and Photonics --- Principles and Practice”, S.O. Kasap,
Prentice Hall
4. “Physics of Photonic Devices”, by S. L. Chuang, Wiley, Second Edition

Homework: 20%
Roll Call: 10%
Mdterm: 35%
Final: 45%