Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B, fifth Edition, by Carey and Sunderg
Reference book: Organic Synthesis, 2nd Ed.; by Michael B. Smith

First semester on Topics:
By Prof. Chien-Tien Chen
1. Brief Introduction:
2. Chapter 1: Alkylation of Enolates and Other Carbon Nucleophiles
3. Chapter 2: Reactions of Carbon Nucleophiles with Carbonyl Compounds
4. Chapter 3: Functional Group Interconversion by Substitution, Including
Protection and Deprotection

By Prof. Yu-Wen Huang
5. Chapter 4: Electrophilic Additions to Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds
6. Chapter 6: Concerted Cycloadditions, Unimolecular Rearrangements, and Thermal
7. Pericyclic reactions: electrocyclization

Three three-hour term exams will be held on October 18-22, Nov. 22-26, Dec. 20-24
(detail dates and time will be discussed in class).
Final exam will be held on January 10-14 of 2022.
Evaluation: 30% for each mid-term exams and 30% for the final exam; extra 10%
bonus for in class attendance.