Course Description:

This course covers fundamental concepts in operating systems for computers,
including multiprogramming,
interrupt, processes, kernel, parallelism, critical sections, deadlocks,
communication, multiprocessing,
multilevel memory management, binding, name management, file systems,
protection, resource allocation,
scheduling. Experience with concurrent programming, synchronization
mechanisms, interprocess


A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin, and G. Gangne, Operating System Concepts, 10th
Edition (International Student
Version), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Small Device C Compiler,

Teaching Method:

Three hours of lectures per week, weekly written and programming assignments,
one final project with five

Language of Instruction:



Chap0: History of OS
Chap1: Introduction
Chap2: System Structures
Chap3: Process Concept
Chap4: Threads
Chap5: Scheduling
Chap6: Synchronization, Chap7: Synchronization Examples
Chap8: Deadlocks
Chap9: Main Memory
Chap10: Virtual Memory
Chap11: Mass Storage
Chap12: I/O
Chap13, Chap14: File System


Midterm exam 30%
Final exam 40%
Assignments and Projects 30% (weekly, word problem + python
programming for OS algorithms)

Course Website:

The First course:

作業系統CS342302第一堂課將在9/13(一)開始。第一天採「線上同步」方式使用Google Meet進
行。 會議室連結為
(學號單號) 或

不論已選上或欲加簽的同學都務必出席。11:00-11:15 會考一個線上測驗。測驗的連結會貼在
Google Meet 。 11:15以後測驗會準時結束,將不再開啟。另一班周志遠老師的OS課也會同時考


測驗實際分數不影響總成績,但是如果不考會從總成績扣分。 測驗目的是為了讓同學自我判定一


The OS course CS342302 will be held online via Google Meet on the first day
(9/13). The link to the meeting room is
(odd student ID#) or
(even student ID#)

Attendance is required, whether you are officially enrolled or petitioning to
add this course. Between 11:00-11:15, we will give an online quiz, and the
link will be posted on Google Meet. The quiz system will be closed promptly
11:15 and will not be reopened. The same quiz will also be administered in the
other OS course by Prof. Jerry Chou. Students petitioning to add either course
will only need to take the quiz once, and the two courses will coordinate in
handling the add petitions.

[Note] If you are officially enrolled in either course, you may not drop it
and then petition to add so you can switch instructors. Once dropped, you give
up your opportunity to take either OS course this semester.

The actual score on the quiz will ont impact your course grade, but if you do
not take the course, points will be deducted from your course grade. The
purpose is to assess the prerequisite knowledge as early feedback for students
to strengthen their background knowledge. Therefore, take the quiz with
academic honesty.

Again, a reminder that all students in this course, whether officially
enrolled or petitioning to add, are required to take the prerequisite quiz on
9/13 11:00-11:15. This will be the only opportunity.