一、課程說明 (Course Description)
This is an extended course for analysis and design analog integrated
circuits. It covers quantitative analyses, design considerations
and system applications from circuit and physical viewpoints. All material
is for CMOS technology.

Topics for this course includes
- Modern VLSI technologies, device operations and models.
- Elementary gain stages.
- Current sources.
- Frequency responses.
- Feedback, stability and compensation.
- Differential CMOS Operational amplifiers.

Remarks: 在您修課前, 請先評估
1. 今年本課程將有修改, 非基礎課程, 會使用較多時間用於後段較困難的amp設計及模擬討論.
2. 本系大學部EE3235 類比電路分析與設計一是基礎課程, 建議優先考慮.
3. 本課程將大量使用HSPICE為作業模擬之用, 課堂上將無額外時間進行軟體教學.
4. 本學期預計將有一次上機考試, 包含模擬及報告.
5. 各類需求, 包含博士班資格考, 及各學程必修等, 將不被接受成為調分的理由.

本課程將於下階段開放修課人限至98名, 9月12日至9月29日將進行下階段加退選,

本校因疫情, 第一週即是線上課程. 第一週的相關課程資訊, 將放置於授課教師個人網頁
https://www.ee.nthu.edu.tw/pchuang/ 課程連結, 請稍候下載 (非同步教學)

二、指定用書 (Text Books)
Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits,
2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2017.

Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis, and Robert G. Meyer,
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits,
5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2009.

三、參考書籍 (References)
Behzad Razavi, Microelectronics, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons
Inc., 2014.

四、教學方式 (Teaching Method)
Lecture or on-line (非同步教學)
Outside Reading : 6 hours
homework + term project

五、教學進度 (Syllabus)
- CMOS device operations and models.
- Elementary gain stages.
- Current sources.
- Frequency responses.
- Operational amplifier basic.
- Feedback, stability and compensation.
- Common mode feedback.
- Differential op-amp designs.

六、成績考核 (Evaluation)
Homework + Term project + Possible on-site test
