一、課程說明(Course Description)

Transcription Factor Forkhead Box (Fox) protein family members regulate
transcriptional network of genes control multiple cell physiology, such as
development, cancer and other diseases. This course aims to help students
understand the molecular mechanisms and biological roles of FoxM1 and FoxO by
covering the following issues: 1)Biological functions of Forkhead box family
transcription factors; 2) Fox proteins transcriptional regulate cell cycle
progression; 3) Fox target genes and regulatory signal pathways; 4) Fox proteins
in mouse embryonic development; 5) Fox proteins in cancer biology; 6) Cross
talks between Fox proteins and related diseases.

二、指定用書(Text Book)

Selected papers

Lecture/ Seminar /Discussion

Week1 Introduction to Fox transcription factors
Week2 Discovery of Foxm1 and liver transcription factors
Week3 Molecular analysis of Foxm1 protein
Week4 Fox family in cell cycle regulation
Week5 Holiday
Week6 Fox family, SCF and Protein degradation
Week7 Fox family in lung and liver cancers
Week8 Fox family in ovary and colorectal cancers
Week9 Fox family in lung development and maturation
Week10 Fox O and FoxM1 in oxidative stress response
Week11 Fox family in embryonic development
Week12 Aging Foxes
Week13 Fox family in injury-repair process
Week14 Fox family in stem cells
Week15 The crosstalk between FoxO and FoxM1
Week16 Fox in cell metabolism and mitochondria autophagy
Week17 Overview of the other Fox family proteins
Week18 Final exam


Attendance 10%
Discussion/Seminar 60%
Mid-term and Final report 30%
