一、課程說明 This course covers basic cell biology, fundamental genetic
engineering, cell culture, bioreactor design, downstream bioprocesses and
applications of biotechnology. In the end of the semester, the students are
grouped to design and present the production process, starting from genetic
engineering of the cells, production process (including bioreactor design and
operation) and downstream purification process.
二、指定用書 Colin Ratledge, Bjorn Kristiansen. (2010) Basic biotechnology.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Glick BR and Pasternak JJ. (2010) Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and
Applications of Recombinant DNA. 2nd ed. ASM Press, Washington, D.C.
四、教學方式 教師授課及與學生互動、學生報告為主
六、成績考核 一次期中考佔40%, 小考佔10%, 上課互動(10%, 回答問題),期末報告40% (期

=548; Chap 1 Public Perception of Biotechnology
=548; Chap 2 Overview of Biological Systems
=548; Chap 3 Growth and metabolism
=548; Chap 4 Genetic Engineering-Procaryote
=548; Chap 5 Genetic Engineering-Yeast and Fungi
=548; Chap 6 Culture of Animal Cells
=548; Chap 7 Microbial Process Kinetics
=548; Chap 8 Bioreactor
=548; Chap 9 Downstream Processing

=548; Chap 14 Amino Acids
=548; Chap 15 Organic Acids
=548; Chap 16 Microbial Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Polysaccharides and Lipids
=548; Chap 17 Bio-based Production of Chemicals
=548; Chap 18 Antibiotics

Final presentation suggestions:
=548; I recommend that 3 students form a group and each student gives a 10 min
presentation in English.
=548; Each group is free to select a bio-derived product (e.g. ethanol) as the
topic for presentation. You are advised to use the knowledge you learned in
for the presentation.
=548; The first student presents the background overview of the product, from
market, demand to the selection and/or genetic engineering of the cells. The
second student presents production process (including bioreactor design and
operation). The third student presents downstream purification process.