一、課程說明(Course Description)
The silicon integrated circuit is surely one of the wonders of our age. The ability to fabricate hundreds of
millions of individual components on a chip with an area of a few centimeter square has enabled the
information age. This course introduces the key aspects of nanolithography in theory, practice, and
innovations on diffraction-based imaging as well as materials, equipment, and processing in nanolithography
as well as the manufacturing practice associated with the technologies used in silicon chip fabrication. The
underlying scientific basis for those technologies will also be given in a fundamental level to inspire students’
thinking. There are also opportunities to train students in creativity, logical thinking, and problem solving.

二、教科書(Text books)
1. “Optical Lithography; Here is Why” Burn J. Lin, SPIE Press 2010 1st Ed. or 2021 2nd Ed.
2. “Silicon VLSI Technology”, J. D. Plummer, M. M. Deal, and P. B. Griffin, Prentice Hall, 2000.

1. “Principles of Optics” Born & Wolf, any edition
2. “Introduction to Microlithography” L.F. Thompson, C.G. Willson, and M.J. Bowden, ACS Professional
Reference Book, 1994
3. “Molecular theory of Lithography” Uzodinma Okoroanyanwu, SPIE Press 2015
4. Michael Quirk and Julian Serda, Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Prentice
Hall, 2001.
5. Robert Doering and Yoshio Nishi, Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology,
CRC Press 2008.

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
This course is intended to introduce students with knowledge in nanolithography and other semiconductor
processes including ion implantation, diffusion, etching, deposition, and metrologies. A broader objective is
to use these processing techniques as vehicles to train students on innovative thinking and problem solving.
1. In Chinese/English
2. Power point slides will be uploaded in the iLMS system one week before we start the chapter.


1. Imaging and resolution enhancement
2. Alignment and overlay
3. DUV, Immersion, and EUV Exposure systems
4. Imaging Processing systems
5. Semiconductor Manufacturing
6. Diffusion
7. Ion Implantation
8. Thin Film Deposition
9. Etching

1. Midterms
2. Finals
Percentage will be determined in class of the first day.