● 課程說明(Course Description)/● 教學進度(Syllabus):
1. Introduction: a short history of optics
2. Waves: the wave equation and phase velocity
3. Maxwell’s equations, the wave equation, and plane waves
4. Blackbody radiation
5. The electromagnetic spectrum
6. Lasers
7. Absorption and the refractive index: theory
8. Absorption consequences
9. Refractive index consequences
10. Superposition: standing waves, beats, and group velocity
11. Fresnel’s equations of reflection and refraction
12. Polarization I: polarized light; birefringence; polarizers
13. Polarization II: wave plates and unpolarized light
14. Optical activity and Jones vectors and matrices
15. Geometrical optics I: ray matrices and ray tracing
16. Geometrical optics II: applications and aberrations
17. Fourier series and the Fourier transform
18. Fourier transform examples, theorems, concepts
19. Convolution and correlation
20. Small beams and short pulses
21. Interferometers
22. Interference and coherence
23. Light scattering; reflection; refraction; coherence; light bulbs
24. Diffraction and the Fourier transform
25. Diffraction gratings; lenses as Fourier transformers
Other topics (if we have time):
26. Nonlinear optics and holography
27. Ultrafast optics
28. Ultrafast Optics Research Lab tour

● 指定用書(Text Books): Eugene Hecht, Optics.

● 教學方式(Teaching Method): Presentations.

● 成績考核(Evaluation): Homeworks 40%, Exam I 20%, Exam II 20%, Exam III 20%.