一、課程說明、教學進度(Course Description)(Syllabus)

Week 1: Introduction + jupyter nb, environment setup, github
Week 2: Ngram model + Skip Bigram + word embedding (word2vec) (word
Week 3: cLang 8 + BNC cross corpora analysis
Week 4: html Parser
Week 5: collocation / spacy
Week 6: streamlit, Final expectation
Week 7: ML general topic (masked LM?) + potential final topics
Week 8: Final Topic Proposal
Week 9: 文步分類 (sequence labeling)
Week 10: Grammar Patterns Tagging
Week 11: Final Project Progress Check
Week 12: GEC (sequence to sequence)
Week 13: senseNet (autoencoding)
Week 14: Final Project Progress Check
Week 15: TBD
Week 16: Final Presentation 1
Week 17: Final Presentation 2
Week 18: 期末考週

二、指定用書(Text Books)

1. Natural Language Processing with Python –- Analyzing Text with the Natural
Language Toolkit, by Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper


1. Keras Tutorial: Deep Learning in Python (https://goo.gl/6P6zLH)
2. A Word2Vec Keras tutorial

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

1. Lectures
2. In-class and take-home exercises


Midterm exam (coding)
Term project