Course Description:
This course provides students with a broad introduction to the field of
psychology. Students will gain a fundamental scientific knowledge about human
thinking and behavior processes, and will understand the relevance of this
knowledge to the betterment of human performance and well-being in a wide variety
of settings in society (e.g., business, product design, education, and
healthcare). The course is a required course for the Interdisciplinary Program of
Education students enrolled in the Mind, Brain, and Learning (心智、大腦與學習)
track and can serve as a prerequisite for advanced Psychology courses. It should
also be useful to students who would like to learn more about psychology and about
themselves before pursuing future coursework in the field.

Understanding Psychology (2017) by R. S. Feldman. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Teaching Method:
Lectures, whole-class discussions, and small-group discussions

Week 1: Introduction to Psychology
Week 2: Research Methods
Week 3: Memory
Week 4: Learning
Week 5: Sensation and Perception
Week 6: Development
Week 7: Intelligence
Week 8: Midterm Examination
Week 9: Personality
Week 10: Social Psychology
Week 11: States of Consciousness
Week 12: Psychological Disorders
Week 13: Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Week 14: Health and Well-being
Week 15: Psychology of Happiness
Week 16: Final Examination

Midterm examination (20%)
Final examination (20%)
Paper 1 (15%)
Paper 2 (25%)
In-class discussion/activities (20%)

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