課程說明(Course Description):
The novel topics is focused on organelle dynamics and is based on the recent
advance of microscopy. The course will go further to discuss the interactions
between organelles. and the rate of flux and exchange of intracellular content
(such as metals, lipids and proteins). Through various interactions, organelle
dynamics and contacts have proven to be essential for cell survival, growth and
death. The disrupted balance of organelle dynamics had been implicated in a
variety of diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, and cancer. This course aims to introduce the concept of organelle
dynamics to facilitate better understanding. The goal is to provide knowledge
background of the molecular mechanisms underlying organelle dynamics in both
normal and pathophysiological conditions.

指定用書(Text Books):

The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles. Landes Biosciences, 2005, ISBN: 0-306-
Related papers in the latest journals such as Nature, Science, Cell and Journal of
Cell Biology.

教學方式(Teaching Method)
English lectures with problem based (PBL) group discussions

Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Organelle biogenesis
Week 3: Endoplasmic reticulum
Week 4: The Golgi apparatus
Week 5: Lysosome and peroxisome
Week 6: Mitochondria
Week 7: The dynamics of mitochondria
Week 8: The dynamics of peroxisome
Week 9: Mid-term
Week 10: ER-mitochondria contacts
Week 11: ER-Golgi membrane trafficking
Week 12: Calcium signaling and organelles
Week 13: Protein sorting
Week 14: Protein transport and organelle dynamics
Week 15: Nucleogenesis
Week 16: Organelle dynamics and metabolism
Week 17: Organelle dynamics and pathogenesis
Week 18: Final Exam

40 % - Mid-term Exam
40 % - Final Exam
15 % - Discussion in the classes
5 % - Attendance

可連結之網頁位址 相關網頁(Personal Website)
E-learning platform: eeclass of National Tsing Hua University