111 學年第一學期 分子生物學實驗課程
任課老師 E-mail Office 分機
藍忠昱 cylan@life.nthu.edu.tw 生科一館405室 42473
李政昇 cslee@life.nthu.edu.tw 生科一館427室 42755
黃詩婷 sthuang@life.nthu.edu.tw LSII R328C 35859
羅巧玲 cllo@life.nthu.edu.tw LSII R328C 35859
上課地點 生科二館321室
上課時間 每周四 13:20~17:20

Week Date Syllabus Professor
01 9/15
Check in and equipment introduction 藍忠昱/李政昇
02 9/22 Introduction of bacteria culture 藍忠昱
03 9/29 Small scale preparation of bacterial plasmid DNA 藍忠昱
04 10/6 Isolation of yeast genomic DNA
Spectroscopic analysis of bacterial plasmid DNA and
yeast genomic DNA 藍忠昱
05 10/13 Restriction digestion of bacterial plasmid DNA and
yeast genomic DNA Agarose gel electrophoresis 藍忠昱
06 10/20 Isolation of yeast total RNA
Spectroscopic analysis of RNA (Nano-Drop) 藍忠昱
07 10/27 DNase treatment of yeast RNAs 藍忠昱
08 11/3 Agarose gel electrophoresis: yeast total RNA
(with or without DNase treatment)
Reverse transcription (first strand cDNA synthesis) 李政昇
09 11/10 Polymerase Chain Reaction (using plasmid DNA/cDNA
and genomic DNA as a template) & Agarose gel
electrophoresis: PCR product 李政昇
10 11/17 Restriction digestion of cloning vector (plasmid DNA)
and insert (PCR product)
Agarose gel electrophoresis (Gel extraction of
cloning vector and insert)
Spectroscopic analysis and construction of
recombinant DNA (ligation) 李政昇
11 11/24 Preparation of competent E. coli host cells
Transformation - Calcium chloride method &
electroporation 李政昇
12 12/1 Colony PCR & Agarose gel electrophoresis &
Preparation of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) 李政昇
13 12/8 Verification of recombinant DNA and Protein expression
SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 李政昇
14 12/15 Transfer membrane and immunoblotting
Western blotting analysis 李政昇
15 12/22 Final exam and check out 藍忠昱/李政昇


平常成績(預習報告、遲到缺席、上課態度及穿著等): 30%
成果報告(兩份): 40%
期末考: 20%
操作考: 10%