● 課程說明(Course Description):
This course will focus on microbiology and immunobiology through a systemic
introduction. Through the integrated introduction, students will gain a general
understanding of microbiology and immunobiology that can be practically applied in
future advanced or related courses.

● 指定用書(Text Books):
1.Medical microbiology, 9th edition, 2021, Murray et al.

● 參考書籍(References):

● 教學方式(Teaching Method):課堂教學

● 教學進度(Syllabus):
Week 日期 授課 (3小時) 授課教師
1 08/02 醫用微生物學導論 (3hr)
Introduction to Medical Microbiology 周雅菁老師
2 08/09 細菌學導論 (3hr)
Introduction to General Bacteriology 周雅菁老師
3 08/16 病毒學導論 (3hr)
Introduction to General Virology 周雅菁老師
4 08/23 病毒的分類與複製 (3hr)
Virus classification and replication 周雅菁老師
5 08/30 寄生蟲概論 I (3hr)
Introduction to Parasitology I 黃建銘老師
6 09/06 寄生蟲概論 II (3hr)
Introduction to Parasitology II 黃建銘老師
7 09/14 期末考 (1hr)
Exam (下午3:30-4:20) TA

● 成績考核(Evaluation):筆試80%,平時成績(含出席率與討論)20%
● 可連結之網頁位址 相關網頁(Personal Website):無