●教學方式(Teaching Method)
投影片授課 / 實例示範

● 教學進度(Syllabus)
Week 1: Basics of Machine Learning
Week 2: Artificial Neural Network and backpropagation
Week 3: Convolutional Neural Networks
Week 4: Transformers
Week 5: Deep Learning software frameworks
Week 6: Architecture Design Choices
Week 7: Sample Applications with CNNs
Week 8: Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
Week 9: Sample Applications with GAN models
Week 10: Recurrent Neural Network and LSTM
Week 11: Midterm Exam
Week 12: Deep Attention Learning
Week 13: Practical model training techniques
Week 14: Anomaly detection
Week 15: Domain Adaptation
Week 16: Federated learning
Week 17: Smart manufacturing
Week 18: Final project presentation

● 成績考核(Evaluation)

● 可連結之網頁位址