一、課程說明(Course Description)
Continuation of ESS3510 Principles of Physical metallurgy(I). The major
topics are: Annealing; nucleation and growth; solidification; nonferrous alloys;
ferrous alloys; fracture and creep(brief introduction); fatigue and corrosion
fatigue; stainless steels

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Physical metallurgy Principles, 4th ed. Reza Abbaschian, Lara Abbaschian and
Robert E. Reed-Hill, CL-Engineering, 2008


1. Modern Physical metallurgy, 8th ed.
R.E. Smallman and A. H.W. Ngan, Elsevier Ltd, 2014.
2. Physical metallurgy, 5 ed.
D.E. Laughlin and K. Hono eds., Elsevier Ltd, 2014.
3. Physical metallurgy, 3rd ed.
P. Haasen, Cambridge, 1996

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)

Lecture and Discussion, Lecture notes will be handed out in the beginning
of the semester. Class recording audio files will be provided in Google drive.


1. Annealing of Cold Worked metals

2. Nucleation and Growth

3. Solidification

4. Physical metallurgy of Selected Nonferrous Alloys (Al, Cu)

5. Physical metallurgy of Ferrous Alloys

6. Fracture and Creep (Brief Introduction)

7. Fatigue and corrosion fatigue

8. Stainless steels


There will be two midterm exams (50%) and one comprehensive final exam
(40%). Problem set will be given constantly (10%).
