1. Course Description
This course is an introduction course to display materials technology. The
purpose of the course is to introduce modern display principles and their related
materials science including current industrial progress for students.
Students are expected to have basic scientific and engineering knowledge.

2. Language
This course will be given in 70% English and 30% Chinese (in particular for some
usual terms in Taiwan display industry)

3. Teaching materials
Lecture notes and handouts
Materials from display industry and related
Recent research papers in display and lighting

4. Teaching Method
This course will be involving a conventional lecture along with a oral report given
by students. A interactive lecture & report will be encouraged and carried out. All
students will be required to give a oral report and join a open discussion. When in
class, lessons will be divided into three parts, including
1) Conventional lecture (Part 1)
2) Oral report given by students (Part 2)
3) Open discussion (Part 3)

5. Syllabus
a. Introduction to Displays: principles and fundamentals
b. Display Technologies and Materials: LCD, OLED, QLED and μLED
c. Recent progress in displays and materials technology

6. Evaluation
1st Exam: 30%
2nd Exam: 30%
Oral report (30-40 min): 30%
Assignments and class performance: 10%

Online classroom: https://meet.google.com/xfo-pgdt-gyr