一、課程說明(Course Description)
蒙特卡羅方法是一種以隨機抽樣(Random Sampling)技術為基礎的通用數值模擬方法,伴隨電腦計算能力的增進,其在各領域的應用日益多樣。本課程由淺而深逐步探究蒙特卡羅方法的理論與應用,內容主要涵蓋隨機變數、類比蒙特卡羅模擬與變異數降低技巧。蒙特卡羅本質上是一種數值計算方法,為了學以致用並增加理解,本課程期望學生能夠利用電腦實現課程所學的概念與方法,建議修課學生至少熟悉一種程式語言,例如C/C++/Fortran/Python/Matlab或其它。本課程特別強調蒙特卡羅方法在核工與輻射領域的應用,也就是如何描述輻射與物質作用和遷移的行為,課程內容包含下列主題:
1. Introduction to Monte Carlo Method
2. Random Variables
3. Analog Monte Carlo Simulation
4. Variance Reduction Techniques
5. Applications

1. Lecture notes
2. Monte Carlo Methods for Particle Transport, Second Edition, Alireza Haghighat, CRC Press (2021)

1. Monte Carlo Techniques for Nuclear Systems – Theory Lectures, F.B. Brown, LA-UR-16-29043 (2016)
2. Statistical Methods in Radiation Physics, J.E. Turner, D.J. Downing, J.S. Bogard, Wiley-VCH (2012)
3. Monte Carlo - Advances and Challenges, F.B. Brown, W.R. Martin, R.D. Mosteller, LA-UR-08-05891 (2008)
4. An MCNP Primer, J.K. Shultis, R.E. Faw, Kansas State University (2008)
5. A Monte Carlo Primer: A Practical Approach to Radiation Transport, S.A. Dupree and S.K. Fraley, KA/PP (2002)
6. Fundamentals of Monte Carlo Method for Neutral and Charged Particle Transport, A.F. Bielajew, University of Michigan (2000)
7. A Primer for the Monte Carlo Method, I.M. Sobol, CRC Press (1994)
8. Google…

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)
1. 授課(Lectures)
2. 討論(Discussion)
3. 專題與簡報(Project & Presentation)

1. Introduction to Monte Carlo Method
2. Random Number Generation
3. Application in Particle Transport (Analog Monte Carlo)
4. Mathematical Basis for Monte Carlo Particle Transport
5. Particle Tracking and Flux Estimation
6. Random Variables
7. Random Sampling Methods
8. Fundamentals of Statistics
9. Variance Reduction Techniques
10. Applications and Special Topics

1. 作業 (30%) Homework
2. 考試 (40%) Exam
3. 專題 (30%) Project
4. 出席與小考 (5%) Attendance & Quiz