一、課程說明(Course Description)
The purpose of this course is to provide first-year engineering students fundamental
knowledge of materials science and engineering.
二、指定用書(Text Books)
William F. Smith, Javad Hashemi, "Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering"

三、參考用書  劉國雄、鄭晃忠、李勝隆、林樹均、葉均蔚 編著,工程材料科學(第三版),全華圖書股份有
限公司印行, 2018年。 
四、教學方式(Teaching Method)  投影片配合板書 

1. Introduction 2 hours
2. Atomic Structure and Bonding 5 hours
3. Crystal and amorphous Structure in Materials 5 hours
4. Solidification and Crystalline Imperfection 5 hours
5. Thermally Activated Processes and Diffusion in Solids 4 hours
4/19 Midterm Exam I 2 hours (Chaps. 1-4)
6. Mechanical Properties (I) 5 hours
7. Mechanical Properties (II) 4 hours
8. Phase Diagrams 5 hours
5/24 Midterm Exam II 2 hours (Chaps. 5-7)
9. Engineering Alloys 6 hours
Final Exam 2 hours (Chaps. 8-9) 

六、成績考核(Evaluation)  小考與課堂表現(20%)、期中考(40%)、期末考(40%)。