一. 課程目標(Course objective)
1. Develop basic concepts of Cancer Biology
2. Learn to integrate and apply various concepts to Cancer Therapy

二. 課程說明(Course Description)
The impact of cancer on human health is immense, driving force to accelerate
research effort
understanding of the basic biology of cancer, leading to more effective treatment
and more
sensitive and accurate diagnosis tools. This course will provide a comprehensive
coverage of
virtually all
areas of cancer research, emphasizing the cellular and molecular basis of cancer
development of
therapeutic strategy. The first half of the course will discuss the genetic and
molecular basis
of cancer. We
will explore the regulation of cell cycle, cell death, cell signaling and
metabolism in cancer.
The second
of the course will focus on the tumor microenvironment and therapy strategy. We
will shift our
attention to
the surrounding stromal cells instead of cancer cells. Every lecture will include
a discussion of
the rational
treatment of cancer. In the final section, we will explore the development of
novel therapeutic
strategies for

二、指定用書或參考書籍(Text Books and References)
The Biology of Cancer, 2nd edition, 2013; Garland Science; Robert A. Weinberg.

Exam (mid-term and final) 60%
Writing assignment 20%
Group performance 10%
Attendance 10%


1. Introduction of Cancer Biology and Therapy
2. Cell cycle and Cancer
3. Senescence and Cancer
4. Cell death and Cancer
5. Apoptosis, Autophagy and Cancer
6. Cell signaling and Cancer
7. Midterm
8. metabolism and Cancer
9. Angiogenesis and Cancer
10. metastasis I
11. metastasis II
13. Cancer immunity
14. Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
15. Cancer Nanotech
16. Final Exam

五. 講師 (Instructor)

Dr. Yunching Chen

課程內容 :
涵蓋癌症生物學機制, 由細胞分裂, 複製, 凋亡談起,
延伸至癌細胞代謝和血管新生, 癌轉移和免疫脫逃……等.
在治療端的探討包含小分子藥物, 大分子蛋白藥, 基因治療,
免疫治療, 利用藥物輸送系統克服癌症治療上的困難……等.

本課程為研究所課程, 上課方式合併一般講課 (75%) 和課堂小組討論 (25%),
培養同學獨立思考和研究能力, 教師亦參與討論並給予回饋.
