Organometallic chemistry is a very promising area in the development of modern
organic synthesis. To understand the basic principles of organometallic
course content focuses on reaction rules, catalytic mechanisms, research methods
and their application in chemical synthesis of metal organic chemistry via the
various example of organometallics. The first topic is a basic introduction of
organometallics including the counting of electrons for organometallic
and their bonding, discussing the role of metals and ligands, and the theory of
organometallic reaction mechanism. The second topic is to introduce examples of
various metal complex used in organic synthesis. We can understand the reaction
mechanism, the synthetic technology and understand a variety of cyclization
reactions and asymmetric stereochemistry via the applications of organometallic
synthesis with main group elements.

Organometallic chemistry, course planning is as follows:

(1) Introduction of Organometallic Chemistry

(a) Organometallic structures, energy levels of d-orbital, electron counting
the 18 electron rule
(b) Discussion of metal-ligand bonding: alkyne, olefin, carbon monoxide,
methylene, benzene and cyclopentadiene
(c) Mechanism and theory of organometallics: oxidative addition, reductive
elimination and migration & insertion reactions.
(d) Electrophilic & nucleophilic reaction and carbon-carbon bond formation.

(2) Organometallics in organic synthesis.

(a)Organometallic synthesis and applications with main group and halogen.
(b) Organometallic synthesis with σ bond and Cu, Zn, Cr
(c) Transition metals in catalytic coupling reaction
(d) Catalytic reaction of σ bond.
(e) Catalytic reaction of π system: alkyne, propenyl and ethynyl group
(f) Cyclization reaction and asymmetric stereochemistry
(g) Asymmetric catalytic reaction